Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Yes, the title is morbid...I know.  It seems to be the unfortunate reoccurring theme in my life the last few weeks.  

Here is a breakdown:
Fall break- Found out my teachers son committed suicide. 
Few days after fall break- A VERY dear friend of ours passed away
Few days after that- One of my best friends horse died. (it may not seem so, but its a huge deal)
This Saturday- A dear lady that I worked with at youth group, her nephew was hit by a car and killed.
Today- The GM of Hershey park died.

Two out of the five do not directly effect me, however the people it did effect are near and dear to my heart. My heart has been so burdened for these people, death is not an easy thing to deal with.  That person (or horse ha) is gone never to be seen here on earth again.  

The thought of all the deaths was overwhelming me the last few days.  I got to thinking about our time here on earth.  You think you are going to live till maybe your 80's 90's and peacefully pass away in your dreams.  Thats how I think at least, yet that is not the case for most people.  Each one of these deaths were sudden and unexpected.  They weren't laying on their death bed, they weren't in their 80's and 90's they were just gone in a blink of an eye.  

What if you died, just like that?  What have you done with your life thus far?  What would others say about the way you lived your life?  What did you offer the world while you were still alive?  Where are YOU going when you die?

All these thoughts made me want to step up my game and make sure that I am making the most of every moment because, when I die I want people to say that I was always serving, always loving, that I made them laugh, that I encouraged them and that I did what I could and never gave up.  

Although these thoughts gave me anxiety, I do have hope that when I die I  know where I am going.  I know that the Lord has a place prepared for my eternal life in heaven.  I encourage you to evaluate your life, do you know where you are going?  Don't think you have time to live life how you want and then get serious, cause it could be gone in a flash. 

If you have any questions on your life after you are done on earth, I would be more than happy to answer them. :)

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."
Romands 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Well it appears that I had my settings blocking non-users from commenting.  I fixed it, you should be able to comment! :)