Monday, September 26, 2011

"TBD" "Too Busy Disorder"

So blogger changed, and it tells you how many profile views you have had.  I have more than I thought I would, unless its my faithful Emma checking up on me. :) Anywho, moving right along...

For the last couple of days I have been thinking about the phrase "Im so busy, I don't/didn't have time..."  Now, for some people and on some days this phrase is 'legit' and true, however if there are any out there like me, somedays its just a conveinant excuse to use.  Not only to someone who wants to spend time with you, but especially when referenced to spending time with God.

This past week I taught a lesson to my group of high school girls about spending time in the word and building a relationship with our creator. I talked about how we are supposed to treat Him like He is a friend not just someone who dictates our life and occasionally sprinkles us with blessings.  I mentioned how we always make time for friends, Facebook, eating, social activities etc... yet at the end of the day when our devotions haven't been done we say "ugh sorry God I was too busy, I didn't have time to get to know you today and Im too tired to do it now."  Now, maybe Im the only one that uses this excuse, and in that case allow me to just talk to myself here.

When you (I) think about it, this really is the worst excuse ever, because if Jesus would have used this excuse when it came time for Him to be crucified, where would we be today?  He made the time to die for the sins He never committed.  So not only did He make time but He sacrificed His time for something He didn't have to do.  When I look at it this way, the guilt for not making at least 10 minutes for him overwhelms me.  The summer relationship that I was in this summer basically ended with "Im too busy, I don't have time for you"  If those words hurt me, Im positive that they hurt the one who created us.  Thank God where sin abounds, Grace super bounds.

Devotions are a drag you say?  Well, I heard once that you should do your devotions at a time that you are fully awake and can focus.  Its also a good idea to associate it with something you like.  So, you like coffee?  Sit down with a cup of java and dive into the word.  Love the outdoors?  Make sure your setting is outside, or close to a window that will allow you to observe the outdoors.  The more comfortable you make it the less of a 'drag' it will be.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself when studying the word.  This list was given to me, so I take no credit.

God, what will this change in my life?
How will it adjust my life?
How will I be different?
If this passage is true, how will is radically change my life?

So, are we really busy or are we out of focus?  Do we need to re-prioritize our daily tasks? Are you going to allow what you know needs to change to just stare at you in the face or are you going to attack it?

 I know what I need to do...I need to get back to my homework so that I can get to my devotions tonight.
